Kawasaki International Eco-Tech Fair 2012
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Exhibitor Exhibition Content Lot No.
Keio University Electric Vehicle Laboratry Eliica is the abbreviation for Electric Li-ion Battery Car, an environmental friendly and highly efficient electric vehicle powered by an lithium-ion battery pack. It is a new concept electric vehicle combining a lithium-ion battery with new chassis configuration technology dubbed “Accumulated Wheeled Platform”.The major priority is to excel in safety and provide the ultimacy in environmental performance; it is a cross-over vehicle that possesses both superior maneuverability of sport car and comfort associated with four seat luxury Sedan. This vehicle is a collaborative project developed by Keio University and sponsored enterprises. I-01
Skeleton Garbabge Collection Truck of Kawasaki City In Kawasaki City, efforts are made to build a sustainable society under the 3R scheme in promoting separate collection of mixed papers, plastic containers and packages. Skeleton-type garbage collection truck can be seen inside; it is used when city office staffs carry out "Visiting Garbage School" at elementary and junior high schools for environmental education and learning purpose. I-02